Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How Many Cereals In Your Pantry?

Did you know that American's buy 2.7 BILLION packages of breakfast cereal each year? And if laid end to end, the empty cereal boxes from one year's consumptions it would stretch to the moon and back? (facts from Cerealizing America)

So what kind of cereal is at your house? I did a little inventory of my pantry and we have a pretty good collection of more than four boxes, diet and regular. And I have plenty of ingredients to make my own cereal, which is a blend of both worlds. It's a granola that is made of all sorts of good things for you, tastes good and can be used for snacks as well as breakfast and you know what? It has no preservatives to worry about or a box to add to the recycling bin and the big bonus is it's low in fat and sugar. It is great served with yogurt and fresh fruit- who could resist that?

If you happen to be one of the 49 out of every 100 people that start their day off with a bowl of cereal, join me with some freshly made granola!

1 comment:

  1. Cristie, We also make our own granola and use it on our homemade yogurt every morning!Yum! Yours is a little different than ours. We'll have to give it a try. Thanks for posting it.


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