Monday, March 23, 2009

Italian Red Sauce, Straight from the Mother Country

If you were to open my freezer tonight you would see several quart bags of some pretty darn good Red Sauce that can be used for a variety of Italian dishes ranging from a simple spaghetti dinner to lasagna and they are ready to use in a matter of minutes. Who can't use a few dinners that are just sitting on the freezer shelf ready to be consumed by a hungry family? My brother came home with this recipe straight from Italy some 20 years ago and it's been in our family ever since. I've tripled it on many occasions to serve the masses and it always comes out just the way a pasta Momma would want it to.


  1. This is the best sauce on the face of the planet. I had a group of my daughter's friends over and taught them all how to make it. I'm still getting comments from their mothers.

  2. It really is a great recipe. How many times has it saved you in a pinch?


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